Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pictures from our trip (very long)

We are on our way!! Alyssah had a fever earlier and the boys were so excited to go, and we are about 30 miles into our trip. Jake has asked about 10 times already when we will be there. We only have another 6 1/2 hours left. Sorry buddy!! :) I am glad we got to go, I wished we could have stayed longer though. There is so much to see, and not enough time.

Josh is all smiles ready to see some "almost" mountains. The kids all had sunglasses and hats on, it was really sunny out. Alyssah managed to lose a pair somewhere.

Jake waiting until we get there, in about 6 1/2 hours. He only asked maybe 50 times throughout the trip. He is an impatient child. Hopefully we can help change that.

Sweet Alyssah, one of the times she wasn't crabby. She looks so sweet in this picture. Don't let her fool you. She was a little beracuda this trip. She loves her schedules. But she is cute, nonetheless.

Our first glimps of the black hills. We are still about 35 miles away. They are so awesome. Being from North Dakota, were everything is flater, these are huge to us!!

This is Devils Tower. It is a huge rock that people have said came up like a volcano long ago. It is considered sacred to the natives here. They even had a story that a huge bear was clawing it and that is how it got its huge scratches in the rock. We walked around the monument, and it took us about and hour or so. It was 1.3 miles around. We saw some people going to climb it. Jake thought that was cool.

I love this picture of Alyssah and Mark. It is sweet.

The kids posing for me. They were excited to not be in the car anymore!!

The kids with Mark. Alyssah was having a moment. She wouldn't look or even think about smiling at the camera.

Me with the kids. Again Alyssah wouldn't look or smile. I love how far you can see.

The rocks up high on Devils Tower. They broke off a fell sometime ago. I thought it was cool how you could see how they broke.

The tower when we were about to leave. I could stare at it all day.

We went on a train ride from Hill City SD to Keystone SD. It was really cool. They used really old steam engines too. This was one of the steepest inclines for railroads in the US. We saw a lot of scenery that we wouldn't have seen just driving. We sat in cars that were newer, but made to look older. The boys loved it and were so excited to go on a train! Alyssah fell asleep while on the train, she wasn't feeling good again, but the nap helped her feel better. Mark didn't feel good either. Not sure what was wrong with him either.

The boys were excited to go!!

Alyssah and I she fell asleep shortly after this.

A "mountain" These are they highest mountains east of the Rocky Mountains. The highest point is 7,000 plus feet.

The train, when we stopped Mark and the boys got out to take some pictures of the train. It is a real steam engine.

Some more scenery.

You can see the bug splatter on the window. It got really hazy out, there was a small fire somewhere in the hills. We never did find out where.

We went to Bedrock City while in Custer SD. I went to this place when I was little. The kids LOVED it. Mark and I thought it was really dumb, and there were only about 20 other people there. It cost us $27 dollars for 3 of us, Alyssah and Jake where free. SO NOT WORTH IT, other than there smiles!!

The kids loved trying on hats while in the gift shop. I was laughing so hard at them, and the lady behind the counter wasn't to happy with us, but the kids loved trying them on!! This is a buffalo head, I laugh when I see this one!!

You can't even see Jakes eyes, but it was so funny anyways!!!

Alyssah even wore a hat too. She was laughing so hard!!

Jake has a hamberger on his head, and Josh has a hotdog on his head. I laughed so hard with these, they were $16 a hat, otherwise I probably would have bought these two. Hahaha!!

On the dorky train ride, we got 2 free ride while there!!!

Josh, Alyssah and Mark

Tressa and Jake.

Hugging the police officer. I tell ya, they loved it here. Wait until we go to Disney World someday.

In Fred Flintstones car. I love this pic!!

Alyssah and Pebbles

Watching the Flintstones show. 7 longest minutes of my life. The boys thought it was so cool though.

Standing by the "real" Barney and Fred. Josh said after we walked away from them that he knows they aren't real.

I got a few of these pictures of the kids in these stand up things. I had some at the same place, I had to get them too.

The kids got one free ride around in the Flintstones car. They loved it. After we were done with that, the kids played in the park and then and when to the gift shop and bought some things with the money that they earned for the trip.

We were driving to Mr Rushmore. The hills are so pretty and beautiful! I just love them.

Josh spotted the Face on the rock. Mark and I didn't see it for a while, but he kept saying that it was there. We finally saw it.

This is looking up from almost below it. There is a path you can walk below it. It is really cool. I think it is so amazing this sculpture.

My handsome Josh

Sweet Jake

My princess Alyssah

Standing in front of Mt Rushmore. It was chilly and the kids were getting tired. We stayed for the light show too. It was so cool.

I could stare at this all day too!

At night all lit up.

We drove through the state park on Sunday June 29th. We went through Needles Hyw, and the wildlife animal loop. We didn't get to see to many animals though. Lots of pretty views though.

Needles Highway

One of the many tunnels we went through.

Jake and Alyssah, wearing there new Mt Rushmore t-shirts. Enjoying the ride.

Josh and Alyssah too.

We stopped at a little bridge and cave. The boys were looking for fish, and Alyssah was looking cute!

Touching the water.

On top of a mountain. You could see everything up there!! We were up at about 6,000 feet.

Sleeping beauty. She was really crabby before this, we were very happy when she fell asleep.

We were told the buffalo were out walking somewhere, well this was the only one we saw on the wildlife loop. I was hoping to see a hurd of them.

A donkey or burro. The people were feeding it and there were signs all over asking people to not feed the animals. We saw a bunch more in a field a while later too.

An antalope we saw eating right beside the road. It didn't care that people were there watching it either.

At Deadwood. It is a really cool town with an old fashion feel. There was a play going on, and they had people pretending to shoot out in the street. Jake thought it was real. It was cute. He kept asking if the cops were going to arrest him.