Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Halloween this year was really fun! The kids really had a blast and Alyssah just loved it!
Alyssah, Jake and Josh
Josh, the Phantom! I did his make up, it was supposed to be glow in the dark, but it wasn't dark enough for it to glow. But at the end of the night it did. He also had vampire teeth. He loved being a phantom.
Jake, Spiderman. When we picked out his costume, he saw some other ones that he wanted, but he know that if he got this one, he would have have a spiderman costume to play with after Halloween.

Alyssah, Cinderella. She loved being a princess for real. This costume didn't come with a crown, so I bought a pack of six on ebay. She broke all of them except 2 by the time Halloween came around, so thank goodness I saved this one for this day.

In our town, we have a big party for prizes from 3:30-5:30. Alyssah wasn't happy to get prizes. She really wanted candy. Here, she is waiting in line to throw a bean bag on pumpkin faces. She did good until the last one, but she is only two. At one of the games, she threw all the rings in the bucket. You were supposed to only throw one at a time. She did this 2 times in a row. We gave up, and she got her little prize that she wasn't happy about.

Here Jake is playing golf for prizes. He wasn't much more thrilled about the prizes either. But he understood that we were going to get candy soon. He and Dad walked around and hit all the prize spots. He was way more excited to eat a hotdog than anything.

Josh now, loved the games and prizes! He went to all of them with his friend. He got a ton of tatoos and plastic fingers. He also loved the glow in the dark vampire teeth that he got. Poor Josh was very hot in his costume. He said next year he didn't want something on his head.
Now on to the fun stuff! Alyssah picked up quick what she was supposed to do, and even thought she was behind her brothers, she kept up really well!
At a house Alyssah did great, she didn't say trick or treat, but she would say thank you. Jake and Josh had a hard time with that part. Alyssah wanted to eat candy the whole night. Not really sure how we made it home without eating any.
I love this picture! She is squealing with delight here. She did this for the majority of the night. Towards the end she got really tired.

Another house. Alyssah didn't want her crown on anymore. Her hair was falling out, but she was still the most beautiful princess of all!
This was our last picture of the night. We went to a few more blocks of houses, we were home by around 8 or so. The kids got a ton of candy! The next day I took all the candy but some, to the dentist in Minot. He was giving a dollar a pound, and the boys thought that was great, to get money instead of the candy. We had 4 pounds of candy, so the boys each got 2 dollars. They thought it was a fair trade. Alyssah was lucky enough to get the toothbrush and stickers that they handed out.


Anonymous said...

You are such an awesome mom!!!