Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Josh's Camping Experience at Camp of the Cross

Josh went to camp at Camp of the Cross in June. He was so excited to go, he was going to be going with his friend Isaac. He was hoping to go swimming, and riding in a paddle boat. We were excited to bring him to Bible camp for the first time. We knew he would learn more about God and hopefully have a better relationship with Him.

This is a group shot with all the campers. Josh and Isaac were the only boys in the cabin. It went by ages, and they are the only 2 going into the 4th grade.
The paddle boats. Isaac is on one in the back on pic. Josh was on a different one. Josh said they had so much fun! He wants to buy on someday!
Prayer time. This was the first night. Josh on the far left of the picture. By his camp counselors, Brandon. Josh was sad one night the camp paster told us that he was crying at supper time. He wanted to go home. We felt so bad for him, but he ended up having so much fun! I am so glad he got to go!
At group time, they were going to play a game. (I got these pics off of shutterfly, I wasn't there ;))

Josh having fun with some of the other boys at camp.

The little performance they give when the parents come to pick up.

The cross at the camp.
Josh when we picked him up. He has ever since wears his hat this way, we aren't sure if someone else wears it that way and he wanted to, but we think it is neat to see him do something different.
Waiting to sing another song.
Josh and Isaac with there camp counselor, Brandon. They really liked him, Josh talked about him for a few days.
The cabin they stayed in. They were really nice. Josh was so excited to show us inside.
And this was his bed. :)
This was called F.R.O.G.
Josh had a good time, and he will be going to camp again at another camp this summer yet. He is nervous but excited to go. I am glad he gets the opportunity to go to these.

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