Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hate allergies

I have been feeling so awful lately. My allergies have been really bad. I take Zyrtec daily, but I am starting to think that it isn't working. I took 2 benedryl last night in hopes to fall asleep and get some relief, but it did the opposite. I was wide awake and so uncomfortable. I am soooo tired today. And of course when I started to calm down around 3:30 last night, then I heard thunder. OF COURSE! So we ended up with one kid in the room, and with me and hardly any sleep. Thank God I only have little ones here, so I hopefully can get in a little nap when all the kids nap. Even a short nap will help. I know I will be going to bed early tonight, and maybe I will take some Nyquil, and maybe get some rest. One can only hope.

I have some more posts to make, so I might take some time and do that today, if I am feeling better. I am so thankful that the boys are in school, no fighting and arguing right now. And that makes me really glad. :)

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