Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Josh and Jake's last day of school

Josh and Jake's last day of school was May 20th. They were really excited about this day, they were going to have assembly, then play outside all morning, eat a picnic lunch of hotdogs, and then have an early dismissal at 2. They were excited to go!

Jake and Josh on there last day

Getting on the bus for the last time as a 1st grader and a 4th grader

Jake and his teacher, Mrs. Finneman. He really liked her and so did we!

Josh and his teachers, Mrs. Barsness, and Mrs. Gehring. The lady in the pink is Josh's teacher, she was great working with him! Mrs. Barsness, has followed Josh through these last 2 years, she is wonderful with him!

Jake playing at Skylas house! They were excited to go to Skylas when school was out to play for a few hours. I am glad they are done as well!

Josh just enjoying the day!

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