Sunday, August 12, 2012

Peace Gardens

We went to the Peace Gardens when we were in Bottineau last, for Marks high school reunion.  We had a lot of fun!  Josh and Jake have been there, but Alyssah hadn't, and of course she thought it was beautiful!  You know, all the flowers and all!!  It was hot out, they were tired, so it was a pretty quick trip through.  But I am glad we went.  Finding things in North Dakota is a good thing! (and Canada too!)
 My 3 kids!  I took this picture, they are so darn cute!

 This is under the 2 towers, I thought a really good shot! (that I took)

 They were willing to work with me on some pictures, but by the time this one came, they were ready to be done!

They have one foot in North Dakota (or America) and one foot in Canada :)

These pictures are backwards, there is a new layout for Blogger, and I don't like it.  I have to get used to it!  Ugh.
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