Thursday, January 3, 2013


My kids LOVE decorating cookies!  I don't like to do it, but they love it, so we do it!  They are so happy to help me out!
Jake and Alyssah doing their christmas trees, they really thought it was cool to make them!

I had enough stuff to make, so they made 3 each!

Josh waited til the next day to make his.

Sugar cookies!!  (big pain in the butt, but they really love it)

Frosting them!  They each made one special for Santa too.


This one was special for Alyssah!  She gobbled this up shortly after the picture was taken :)

Jake also worked hard on his too.

Josh didn't care really to decorate many, he did a few, I think he thinks he's too cool for this! Haha! ;)

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