Friday, January 1, 2010

First post in 2010

Wow! 2010! Where has the time gone!! I can't believe we are 10 years into the 21st century. Crazy. I can't believe how far my life has come in 10 years. 3 kids, a new house, added another dog to our home, grown alot within myself, soooooo many things. I have been sooooooo very blessed!!

I have started a New Years Resolution List and so far it has on it:

1. Pray daily
2. Go to bed by 10:30 nightly
3. Use my journal daily
4. Spend WAY less
5. Follow weight watchers
6. Exersize 5 days a week
7. Write lists for everything
8. Enjoy my kids everyday in the moment. This decade has gone way to fast and I want to enjoy them now, in another 10 years I will have a 20yr old, 17 yr old and a 13 yr old. (OMG, that is soooooooooo scary!!!!)
9. Be a better wife to Mark, this one needs some work!!
10. Be a better friend, to my friends! And only keep the real ones!

I might add more as the day goes on, I am so blessed! I need to appriecate that more!

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