Sunday, October 12, 2008

My first baby

My first son was born on October 11, 1999. I can't believe how fast the time has gone! So very fast! It makes me so sad to think how much I rushed time. I wished I could go back and enjoy him while he was so little. He was so good as a baby. Once he learned how to smile, he never stopped. He was a really good baby, started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. He never cried unless he wanted food or a diaper change. He was a really good baby.
Joshua Harold Torno, 3 days old. October 1999
Josh at one, he couldn't walk yet, didn't walk until he was 14 months old. October 2000

Josh was 2, he was a little man in this picture. He wanted his hands in his pockets and wouldn't take them out either. He was so cute! He was a good eater and he loved mom and dad equally. He started showing interest in toys a lot more. He loved "Bob the Builder" and "Thomas the Train" too. October 2001

Josh was 3! He turned into a stinker by now, Jake was a baby, and once Jake came around Josh wasn't so nice anymore. He missed all of mommy's and daddy's attention and didn't understand how he needed to share it. He loved to color and practice his ABC's. This year he LOVED fixing anything with daddy! He was starting to get picky with eating, but cheese noodles were his favorite food. He started sunday school this year, and the first few times, he cried so hard it broke my heart, but after a couple of times, he loved it. October 2002
Josh at 4. He looked so nice in these pictures. He always smiled for his pictures, he didn't mind having his pictures taken. He started pre-school this year and he did great! He loved going! His teacher said he was very well behaved, and that he got along great with the other kids. He love coming home and showing me all the things he made. He loved shows like "Spongebob" and "Jimmy Neutron". He would wake up at 7 am NO matter what time he would go to bed. This year for Christmas, he really thought Santa was real, he was laying in bed with me at 7am of course, and we were at my mom and dads. He jumped up when he heard my parents staring to walk around upstairs and said, "Maybe that is Santa!!" The look on his face was so priceless, it was perfect. October 2003
Josh is 5! He has changed so much from the time he was a baby. He loved pre-school and sunday school too. LOVED going fishing with dad, and he loved watching mom scrapbook. He and Jake really started getting along at this age. He lost his first tooth this year as well. This year he had his first real birthday party at a indoor water park and had so much fun! He told us he loved Jesus, and even if he doesn't understand, we knew this was a start. October 2004
Josh is 6. He started Kindergarten this year. He loved going and he did pretty good too! He made friends quickly and knew how to talk all the time! I love this picture, it was his first real school picture. He still loved cheesenoodles, and is still really picky too. He was excited to find out that he was going to have a baby sister in the spring. He was so grown up when she arrived, and just loved her to pieces! He and Jake love playing together, they are going to be great friends! October 2005
Josh is 7 and in first grade. He liked school but he was starting to show some trouble with reading and comprehension. But he loved his teacher and we liked her too. He loved his little sister and he loved to hold her. He got to go hunting with dad this year, and of course fishing too. He was excited to see our new land, and loved going and checking on our house that was being built. He loved being with dad all the time. October 2006
Josh is 8 and in second grade. This picture kind of makes me sad, we had just moved into our new house and he didn't have many friends, but he sure was positive about things. This year we had him tested for ADD, and he does have it. He went on medication to help him focus better, and it seems to help. He had a wonderful teacher this year who really helped him and worked with him a lot. He loves being by the lake and going fishing. Josh is really good at math, and he loves to do art. He is a good drawer. October 2007
My special boy! how big he has gotten! I can't believe how much he has grown. He is so smart. He is in the 3rd grade now and with another good teacher. Josh loves to go places with dad, and take pictures too. He got an ipod shuffle for his birthday, and he loves it so much. His cousin gave him a handmade slingshot and that is also a favorite. Next saturday he will have his birthday party. He is really excited about it. I still can't believe how fast this time has gone by. I hope the next few years don't go that fast, but I have a feeling they will.