Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where has the month gone??

I haven't forgotten or anything, but I have been busy. Busy with what?? Well, I am not to sure. I have had a sick kid as of late, Alyssah has bronchitis and a very bad sore throat. We got a chest x ray and did a strep test (thankfully it came back negative) so she is on Augmentim. I am glad she is on the mend now!!

Josh and Jake have been doing ok in school, I think they are in need of a break, away from the same old thing. But they don't get much of a spring break, so they will have to wait until summer for a decent break. Josh didn't bring home his homework again yesterday, so I am frustrated with it. He will have his DS and wii taken away again. It is so frustrating. I hate the lying from him. He is capable of doing the work, he just won't apply himself. Oh well, such as parenting goes. Hopefully he will bring some home today, or actually finish it at homework help at school.

So that is what has been going on with me, I want to post some pics later hopefully today!

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