Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dickens 2012

We did a lot with Dickens this year!  I am glad we could go, it is a lot of fun in our community!  The kids get involved and almost everything you do or buy helps someone out.  Plus we make a lot of good memories too!

Alyssah Urchining for Coppers!

Singing away!

Josh selling Fleishkichle!  He and Isaac helped sell for the church!  They both had a lot of fun!

Josh and Isaac

Alyssah on the Elizabus!  She was super excited to be on it!

Josh, Mark and Jake on the bus too!  They loved it and being on the upper level was so much fun!

Shelly and I
We had a girls dickens day!  It was a blizzard out, but we had SO much fun!

Nicole and Anissa (we were on a carriage ride)

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