The kids went to trooper camp again this year! They liked it a lot and they both have improved a lot from last year. Jake especially.

I took off Thursday and Friday to watch them play, and I'm glad I did. Jakes game was first that I went too. He had a great team this year, only losing 2 games all week!

He was much more aggressive this year and I'm so glad he's trying so hard! He really likes it!

He's gonna go for it!

This pic is cute, trying to figure out what they can do to win the game!

Alyssah wasn't as aggressive though. She is quiet, she wants the ball, but she's shy to get it. She's had some ball hoggers on her team, but they were good! She did get the ball a few times, but she didn't have it long.

She was so proud, she came home and told me that she won a prize for being the best at blocking for the day! She won a pack of licorice. It made her whole week!

She sure blocked good when I got to see her!

My cute trooper camper!!

Hoping she gets the ball. It usually doesn't happen though!

Alyssahs team won 6th place for League and then they came in first for the championship!!

Jake and his team won 2nd for league and also won 1st for the championship!! I was so proud, he played SO hard and worked for it! I think basketball will be in his future!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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