Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Holiday season

I love this time of year. Last year was harder and I didn't look forward to christmas like I am this year. It is stressful to host any sort of holiday dinner!

I have been listening to christmas music for about 3 weeks now, I love christmas music. I have started my chrismas shopping. The only downfall is that Josh is starting to not believe in Santa anymore. He WILL NOT tell us what he is asking Santa for christmas, he doesn't want us to know, he is saying that it is a test, if Santa doesn't bring it, he isn't real. I am sad, because this Santa thing is ending for him. But my hope is that Mark and I are getting a Wii for the kids and it will be from Santa. We haven't ever mentioned of getting one, so I hope Josh will be super excited about it. And who knows? Maybe that is what he is asking Santa! I can only hope!

We are headed to my parents house for Thanksgiving. It will be good to see my parents and Grandparents. The kids are super excited to go, they love seeing Grandma and Grandpa! I am happy to see my grandparents, I haven't seen them since Easter earlier this year.

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Anonymous said...

Yeah it is really stressful hosting holidays thanks for coming to my house this christmas.