Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jakes Birthday Party

We had Jakes Birthday party about 3 weeks after his real birthday, we just started school and labor day and all that fun stuff is around that time so we put it off for a couple of weeks. Jake wanted a hunting theme. Go figure! This boy will be our hunting expert when he is older!
Jake is 7! His cake turned out super cute! I love the hunting idea, and he loved the figures too!

I love his cake!

The kids played some hunting games. One game was to find the targets. We hid 30 targets or so and whoever found the highest got a prize. They were so wild by this time!! Then after that we played a shooting game where they hit animal targets and we kept a tally of there points. Whoever had the highest got a prize. This game was a hit! They loved it! We played it 2 different times during the party.

Jacob going for the ground target. He was a pretty good shot too!

All the kids did really well! They all had so much fun!

We also played pass the target to music. Similar to pass the potato or musical chairs. The kids like this one, and were excited to get a prize too!

" Hurry and pass it or you are out!"

Then of course it was cake time! Jake is so cute here, he loves to be the center of attention. He had so much with all his friends here! I really like this picture. He still looks so young, but getting so big.

My seven year old!

Blowing out the candles.

Jake wanted the biggest piece of cake! He wanted one that had a lot of hunting stuff on it.

Being his silly self!

All the kids loved the cake!

Even little girls loved the hunting cake!

Skyla too!

Time for presents!! Jake was so excited about this part! He made out pretty well too!

I love him so much!

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