Friday, May 21, 2010

Weekend fun!

We had a lot of fun at Stephs last weekend! I am so glad we got to go there!! It was a lot of fun! The kids had a ton of fun too. They were so busy, and by sunday when we left they were exhausted! But it was fun!

Jake on the big wheel. He loved riding it! He would go down the driveway and spin out. He loved doing that, and he did it so much that he was annoying all of us! lol!
Concentrating with his tongue out!

Steph and Rocky

The kids playing under the tree.

Cute Rocky, he was super sweet!

Cars and dirt = the perfect combo!

Little hands playing

So much fun in dirt

Little Alek isn't so little anymore! But still so cute!!

She is "Naturally Cute"!

I played around by editing a few pics. I had fun working with a few of them!

I like this one, I made it lighter and I put a light boarder around it.

And this little guy is such a honey! I love him!

Our two cuties!


She was stuck, but not mad! She is sooo cute!! I love her so much!

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