Saturday, June 25, 2011

Alyssah's Fun Day

Mark was mowing with the boys, and I hung out with Alyssah. She was being so much fun! I just love her so much and I love how she is so much fun right now!

She loves to swing! And the higher the better!

I love the action shot! She is so cute!

Then, she got off her swing and decided to have a photo shoot with me! Every few seconds, take a picture of me, is what I heard! :)

She is a beauty <3


She was posing, she really wasn't playing in the sand :)

She is so cute!

Also the silly faces are fun too!

I had her blow the dandielion "weed"

She gave up, and pulled them off, lol!

I love her!

So goofy!

My princess, my star! :)

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