Friday, March 19, 2010

Winter Scenery

Mark has been trying to find a hobby and he has started to take pictures. He is pretty good at it too! I am glad he took some pictures of the winter scenery here in Garrison, it is a good memory of how much snow we have had this year and also beautiful it can be.

Our Garrison Walleye. This is a nice picture of it with all the frost from the fog.

The state park is a good place to take winter pictures. There are wild life tracks everywhere here, it is hard to see them, if you click on the pictures they will get bigger.

One of my favorites

A view of the lake, another one of my favorites.

I like the close up of the tree, and how you can see the background as well.

The fog has been so thick here lately, but it is really beautiful when it clears.

Our house

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