Friday, January 20, 2012

Geography Bee

Josh was one of the top 10 finalists for a Geography Bee in the school! Had he won, he would have competed at the County level. He didn't win, but I was so proud that he made final 10. This is out of all 4th, 5th and 6th grades!!
He looked nervous! But he handled himself great!!
One of the questions were, "What state on the eastern coast had a 5.8 magnatude earthquake?" He knew the region, because we had been there earlier, but he didn't know the state. I was pretty impressed that he knew the area. He actually didn't get any answer right, he was allowed 2 mistakes, but at least he guessed with both of them. I was proud of him!
And his certificate!! What an awesome job!!
Way to go Josh!!

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