Saturday, February 4, 2012

San Diego Day 5

This day we went to the zoo!! I was super excited to go to the zoo! After all, it is a famous zoo!

Mark took several pictures of the ducks! That is what he was trying so hard to get!
We loved this gorilla! Just napping, hanging out in the sun! I love it!
This was the best shot we could get. No face shots, but at least we could see them!
I love this one!
The flamingos were very pink! It must be all the fresh shrimp they get to eat!
The momma hippo and baby hippo! Just snoozing!
I think I did a good job taking this one. My subject was nice a still :)
We saw these bears through the glass, and it wasn't very clear. But still worth looking at.
We went to a 4D movie, its in 3D, but then there are real life effects! Like bubbles blown out, snow falling and things poking you in the back. It was really neat to see.
We took a sky tram across the whole park. It was so cool! You really can't see much, but it was still neat to be on! This was a restaurant named The Tree Top restaurant. Really cool!
After we were done, I took a picture of the sky tram.
I am SUPER impressed with this picture! I think I did a good job on this one too!!
The elephants were awesome to see! We had to wait for them, they were cleaning there space and had them locked up, but we got there and about 10 minutes later they let them out.
The one hump camel
We took a bus tour towards the end of the day, it was good to be on it, but you didn't see as much as you would if you walked.
The rinos!
This day was a great day! I am glad we got to go!

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