Sunday, October 7, 2012

Black Belts!

I was looking back at my blog and I realized I never put up there black belt testing!
They made us so proud and I am glad they worked so hard at this!

The decorations I hung on the wall.  I made from digital scrapbooking, a nice wall collage to put up.  I like so much how it turned out, but they kept falling down.  So I had to put up tape.  It didn't look as nice after that.  But I wanted it up.

Josh and Jake's cake that I had made.  They did a good job on it too!

Jake waiting to test!

After waiting for about an hour or so, they finally were ready for them to test!  Kimmy, Zach, Josh, Kasey and Jake.

And they are off!!  All of us mom's were holding our breaths!

They finished the form!  They still needed to do this again, but they got out there gitters!

Josh looked so strong!  They worked so hard at this!  I am so proud of them!!

Getting ready to break boards!  They did awesome on it too!


Our black belts!  I am so proud of them!!

Our black belt group!  They all did great!
Kimmy, Kasey, Zach, Jake and Josh

The black belts with the judges!

Three boys goofing around, proud of what they have done!!

They were so happy and we were all so proud of them!

Way to go boys!  I am MORE than proud of what you have accomplished!!

The table all set up with there belts and medals they have won.  I am so glad we had my parents there, and Carol too.  I'm glad Nicole and her girls could make it too!

The boys black belts have there first initial and there last name too.  So awesome!

My boys and there cake!  They were so happy to be done!  They are continuing to work towards there 2nd degree black belt, and if all goes well, they will get this in about 14 months.  After that, they will decided if they want to keep going.  I hope they do!!  I am so proud of them!
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