Monday, May 26, 2008

Jake's Graduation Pictures

Jakes class all lined up after they walked in. They sang a few songs and were sooooo cute. Jake was singing very well too. After the song, they all got up and gave there mom's a flower, it was so sweet, I almost cried. When they were done with that, the kids all drew a picture and showed and said what they wanted to do for the summer. Jake said, that for his summer vacation, he wanted to go camping. Some kids said that they wanted to go to Jamaica! It was cute. Then they all got there little diploma's, and shook the teachers hand. When they were done with that the teacher had made a wonderful slide show of all the kids pictures throughout the year. When she showed the kindergartners first day of school and one of the last days of school, I cried. It was so sweet, but really sad, all the little kids had changed sooo much in that year. It goes so fast. When she was done with that they sang another song and then the kids were all done. I was so proud of him and he did super well. Even though he has to take kindergarten again, he had a great experience in school and I am glad he went.

Jacob had a really good Teacher and Assistant Teacher. Mrs. Ekstrom and Mrs. Jeffery were always there to help him with what he needed. Next year Jake won't have this teacher, she moves on to 3rd grade. Maybe Josh will get her, and maybe even Jake might when he gets there.