Friday, July 30, 2010

Swimming Lessons

I only took pictures of Alyssah in swimming lessons this year. I was excited to put her in, she LOVES swimming and I knew she would do great!!

She is using a noodle to help keep her up

In level one they concentrate on getting wet, kicking and putting your face in the water.

She wasn't afraid to jump in either!

As long as someone was catching her.

She even wasn't afraid to go off the diving board! I was so proud of her!! But she had to be lowered with help and someone had to catch her, but she did great otherwise!!

They were encouraging her to jump, and she kept shaking her head no. But I am glad she is willing to get up on there, that in itself is a fear to some!

Down she goes!

I love her face!!

Well, Alyssah didn't pass the class, and I wonder why?? :)
Her instructor told me that she isn't putting her face in the water so they wanted to hold her back for next year. I am fine with it! I am proud that she went in anyways!

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