Friday, September 23, 2011

My prince, laid back boy...

My pizza lover, homework hater, well, I think you get it ;)

Jake, you are an amazing kid!! I can't believe how fast you are growing, it just seems like you were my little 2 year old, playing so seriously :)

You can be SO funny or SO serious. I love your humor, you are a VERY loveable kid :)

So things that you are doing that I want to remember:

You still love legos, but you only like to build the sets, not play with them.

You love food!! BUT, only pizza, cheese noodles, cheese burgers and cottage cheese. You WILL NOT try anything new, you are very picky.

You want to be a taxidermist when you grow up. You have since kindergarten, and I truly believe you will be one :) (and you say you are going to build a house in our back yard, I'm thinking that won't happen ;))

You hate reading. I love it, so I can't understand how you don't like it, but you don't.

You LOVE doing anything with your dad!! Hunting, fishing, mowing, fixing, you love it all as long as your dad is with you!! And I love it!!

Your best friends right now are Zach Seidler and Matthew Norgenberg.

You have a summer/fall job of mowing lawns. You have saved enough money to buy a remote controlled monster truck!! And you love it!!

You hang out with Josh a lot!! I'm so glad you have your brother to hang out with :)

You don't like to clean much but you will help out, but only if I ask. :)

Jake, we love you so much!! I can't believe you have grown so much!! And I cant wait to see you grow into a young man!!

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