Sunday, January 23, 2011

Puerto Vallarta Day 3 January 11th 2011

Day three was really relaxing. Mark had a meeting in the moring, so I slept in and talked on the phone with a good friend of mine, who was also on the trip. Then Mark came home and we went to go eat at Azul Restaurant. We just hung out at the pool then, looking at the beach and just enjoying the sun and warmth!

Usually when there is a cluster of boats, then they are whale watching, but we didn't see any whales at that time.

Mark resting in the sun

Me and my feet, and the ocean :)

The sky is SO BLUE!

I love the eternity pool. It was so beautiful!

We went on a night cruise, Rythems of the Night. We were on our way here, and the mountains were so pretty! I loved them so much!

Amazing how they would build big buildings into the mountain.

A really pretty church!

The sunsetting over the mountains. It was so pretty!

The restaurant we went too, it was neat to see!

The Mayans and Aztecs

Playing music

When it was dark, it was really nice there. The food was AWESOME too!

This guy was ready for the show we were about to see.

The set all ready to go. We were not allowed to take pics during the show. We thought it was kinda dumb, but it was well put together.

The hotel room

The sitting area

This was in the living room

Also in the living room

Our room

The bathtub area

The getting ready area

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