Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of School!

The kids all started school on August 24th, 2010. They all woke up really excited to go, and I am so glad too! They are a whole year older and I can't believe it!! I am so glad they are ready, because I know I am ready too! I have 13 kids to watch in the summer and when school starts, it is so nice to cut back. I am not so ready for homework though, but we will get through it.
All three ready to go!

Alyssah~4 years, 2nd year of preschool.

Jake~8 years, 2nd grade

Josh~10 years 5th grade

Alyssah in front of preschool

Jake in front of his door with 2nd grade.

Josh in front of his 5th grade door.
I am so proud of my kids!

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